Feminine Cheekbone Surgery

Feminine Facial Contouring: Achieving a Defined Cheekbone with Surgery:

Feminine facial contouring refers to a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the facial features of a woman to achieve a more feminine appearance.

‘One of the most sought-after facial features is a defined cheekbone, which can be achieved through a cheekbone augmentation surgery. This procedure can help women to attain a youthful, attractive, and confident appearance, thereby boosting their self-esteem and quality of life.’


Cheekbone augmentation surgery involves the use of implants to increase the size and projection of the cheekbones. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes about two hours to complete. The surgeon will make an incision either inside the mouth or in the lower eyelid to place the implant into the cheekbone. The incision is then closed with sutures or tape, and the patient is placed in a soft dressing to support the healing process.


The benefits of cheekbone augmentation surgery are many. It can help to:

  1. Enhance facial symmetry: A balanced and symmetrical face is considered a hallmark of beauty. Cheekbone augmentation surgery can help to correct any asymmetry and balance out the face, giving it a more attractive appearance.
  2. Add definition to the cheekbones: The cheekbones are one of the most defining features of the face, and a well-defined cheekbone can add structure and dimension to the face.
  3. Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines: As we age, wrinkles and fine lines can form around the cheeks and eyes, making us look older. Cheekbone augmentation surgery can help to reduce the appearance of these signs of aging and rejuvenate the face.
  4. Boost self-esteem and confidence: A well-defined cheekbone can give a woman a more youthful, attractive, and confident appearance, which can have a positive impact on her self-esteem and overall well-being.
  5. The recovery process after cheekbone augmentation surgery is usually quite straightforward. The patient will experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort for the first few days after the procedure, but these symptoms should subside within a week. Most patients are able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two, but they should avoid any strenuous activities or heavy lifting for several weeks to allow the implants to fully heal.

In conclusion,

Cheekbone augmentation surgery is a safe and effective way for women to enhance their facial features and achieve a more feminine, attractive, and confident appearance. If you are considering cheekbone augmentation surgery, it is important to seek out a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who can provide you with the personalized care and attention you need to achieve the best possible results.