

O-shot is a process of  PRP injection,  at the clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, and anterior wall of the vaginal mucosa. It improves the orgasms, vaginal lubricants, urinary stress incontinence, and also libido enhancement. This procedure is available for women who are having stress incontinence, overactive bladder, lack of lubrication, and sexual dysfunction.


Picture 1. Shows the area injected by PRP for O-Shot

Advantages of O-Shot

The O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot, is a procedure that involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into specific areas of the vagina to potentially enhance sexual pleasure and function in women. While individual experiences may vary, proponents of the O-Shot claim several potential advantages:

  • Increased Sensation: Some women report increased sensitivity and sensation in the genital area following the O-Shot, which can enhance sexual arousal and pleasure.
  • Improved Orgasm: The O-Shot aims to enhance the quality and intensity of orgasms, potentially leading to more satisfying sexual experiences.
  • Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction: The O-Shot may be used as a treatment for certain types of sexual dysfunction in women, such as difficulty achieving orgasm or decreased libido.
  • Enhanced Lubrication: Some women experience improved vaginal lubrication after receiving the O-Shot, which can reduce discomfort during intercourse and enhance overall sexual satisfaction.
  • Non-surgical and Minimally Invasive: The O-Shot is a non-surgical procedure that involves using the patient's own blood (PRP), making it a relatively safe and minimally invasive option for improving sexual wellness.

It's important to note that while the O-Shot may offer potential advantages for some women, scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited, and results can vary from person to person. Additionally, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if the O-Shot is appropriate for your individual needs and circumstances.