タイのバンコクにある、世界トップクラスの美容整形と性別適合手術を提供するガモン コスメティック ホスピタルへようこそ。私たちは、ガモン・パンシートム医師が率いる世界で最も才能のある外科チームを紹介できることを誇りに思います。彼らは、あなたの顔と体を完璧に調和させるために、外科医や美のデザイナーとして働いています。したがって、私たちはあなたの夢を実現することに大きな喜びを持っています。
There are many stories at Kamol Cosmetic Hospital shared by our clients. They have new lives now.
DetailAre you ready to embark on your journey towards a more confident and empowered you? To finally look in the mirror and see the person you feel inside looking back at you? Contact Kamol Cosmetic Hospital today to schedule your consultation with one of our expert surgeons. We'll listen to your goals, assess your needs, and develop a personalised treatment plan to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Your dream transformation awaits!
Kamol Cosmetic Hospital is accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI), the gold standard in global healthcare. We have been recognized as a leader in aesthetic, cosmetic, and gender affirming care by many of the world’s foremost healthcare monitoring organizations.